Design and Implementation of Pancasila Students Profile Strengthening Project

Design and Implementation of Pancasila Students Profile Strengthening Project

“Design and Implementation of Pancasila Students Profile Strengthening Project” Learning Planning Workshop Activity 2 of the School of Movers Programme Batch 3


Design and Implementation of Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project. 

An-Nisa Apriani, M.Pd. is one of the PGSD lecturers at Alma Ata University who qualified as the Facilitator of the School Mover (FSP) Batch 3 in Kulonprogo Region, Yogyakarta. As a Facilitator of the School Mover (FSP), she became a resource person in Learning Planning Workshop 2 held on 23 September 2023 with the theme “Design and Implementation of the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project (P5)” for 8 meeting hours from 08.00-15.45 WIB at SMP Negeri 1 Pengasih Kulon Progo. Workshop activities were carried out with the MERDEKA technique described as Starting from yourself, Concept exploration, Collaboration space, Guided reflection, Contextual demonstration, Elaboration of understanding, Material connection, and Real action. Workshop activities emphasised the process of designing and implementing a project to strengthen the profile of Pancasila students at the education unit level. The design includes the preparation of a module for Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project (P5) by the class teacher as the person in charge accompanied by the principal and collaboration with all teachers according to the P5 theme chosen by the school.

Workshop participants revised and added details of facilitation techniques such as triggering questions and discussion activity plans to the draft P5 module that had been prepared during the learning committee training. Next, participants presented the revised draft project modules and provided feedback to each other. At the end of the workshop, the FSP and participants reviewed the results of the discussion and completed a concrete action plan to improve the draft P5 module that will be implemented by schools after the workshop.


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