Alma Ata University Mathematics Education Benchmarking to Yogyakarta State University Mathematics Education for International Accreditation Preparation

Alma Ata University Mathematics Education Benchmarking to Yogyakarta State University Mathematics Education for International Accreditation Preparation

Alma Ata University Mathematics Education Study Program – Tuesday, March 19, 2024, one of the best university study programs in Jogja, namely the Alma Ata University ME Study Program visited Yogyakarta State University ME Study Program in the context of Benchmarking preparation for ASIIN international accreditation. The AAU ME team led by Rino Richardo, M.Pd was received directly by Dr. Tien Aminatun, M.Si as the Vice Dean for Research, Cooperation, Information Systems, and Business of FMIPA YSU in Courtroom 1. In his speech, he was very open to cooperation from various parties who wanted to learn from YSU. Dr. Laelatul Badriah, M.Pd as Head of Quality Assurance AAU in his speech hoped that this activity could help ME study program in preparing for International accreditation which will be held in the near future.

The activity continued with a question and answer discussion with Endah Retnowati, M.Ed., Ph.D as Head of ME Post Graduate Study Program UNY and ASIIN preparation advisor for AAU ME study program. After the discussion, it was continued with the signing of the cooperation draft and the exchange of fandel by representatives from FMIPA YSU and FITK AAU. The activity then continued by visiting the lab. Micro teaching, lab. Computer, props workshop, and props display room with Dr. Kuswari Hernawati, M.Kom.

Rino Richardo, M.Pd as the head of AAU ME hopes that this activity can provide an overview to the head of the lab. Micro teaching, lab. Computer, and media lap FITK AAU in order to prepare the tools needed in preparation for ASIIN international accreditation. With this visit it is hoped that the lab. Micro teaching, lab. Computer, and lap media FITK AAU can meet service standards for students in micro learning, computers, and learning media development.