9 Productive Ways For Young People To Make Sense of Independence

9 Productive Ways For Young People To Make Sense of Independence

Oleh : Diyani Islami

S1 Islamic Education of Alma Ata – The young generation is an agent of change that can continue the ideals of the Indonesian nation. Their strong and vibrant energy should be able to make their best contribution to progress, especially filling independence. Positive activities can be carried out by continuing to be productive in spreading goodness to the surroundings, so, here are some productive ways that the younger generation can interpret Indonesian independence positively:

1.    Study Hard

Studying hard is a form of struggle that can be done to achieve freedom, to achieve the dreams of every human being. The government’s 12-Year Compulsory Education Programme is an opportunity for the younger generation to get the best education possible. The opportunity to continue education to college is also wide open because many scholarship opportunities are open both domestically and abroad. However, to achieve it requires cooperation between educators and students. Educators as life mentors should provide guidance and prepare students to realise their future so that their potential can be optimally developed and widely beneficial for themselves, society, nation, and state.

2.    Organising Togetherness Activities

To create harmony between individuals in schools, universities, workplaces, and communities, one of ways is by organising social activities. These activities can include several entertaining competitions that can be followed by all groups of society including children, youth, and parents. A sense of unity, tolerance, and spirit of struggle is expected to grow with this kind of activites.

3.    Participate in an Independence-themed Creative Competition

As August 17 approaches, many organisations are holding creative independence-themed competitions, such as creating video (for reels, tiktok, and or youtube content), drawing posters, writing microblogs, photography, poetry reading, singing, and various other creative competitions. These competitions are opportunities for the younger generation to hone their creative talents, form a personal branding, train their fighting spirit, and present their best work to achieve the best.

4.    Performing Community Service

Concern for others must be nurtured by the younger generation by taking action in community service activities. There are many non-governmental organisations (NGOs) that organise community service activities in 3T (disadvantaged, remote, and frontier) areas and even abroad. Contributions from the younger generation are needed to improve other people’s lives in various fields such as education, health, environment, economy and tourism. The contribution you can make can be adjusted to your educational background or interests. In this community service activity, as a volunteer, you can also learn the culture of the place where you serve! So that your experience will be richer and your sense of tolerance will grow among others.

5.    Creating Independence-Themed Educational Content on Social Media

Independence-themed educational content as a form of sharing knowledge can be done by the younger generation by utilising the sophistication of technological developments such as social media. The contents can vary such as videos, microblogs, posters, infographics, films, quotes, comics, memes, and so on. Social media algorithms allow these creative works to go viral.

6.    Using Domestic Products

Young people who are proud to use domestic products in their daily lives are cool because they have contributed to helping the country’s economy, developing local brands, creating jobs, and building a sense of nationalism.

7.    Watching Independence Day Themed Movies

Watching films with the theme of struggle can increase the sense of nationalism in the younger generation. Reporting from kemenkraf.go.id, film recommendations that you can watch are

  • November 1928 (1979)
  • Janur Kuning (1979)
  • Doea Tanda Mata (1985)
  • Tjoet Nja Dhien (1988)
  • Merah Putih (2009)
  • Soekarno (2013)
  • Battle of Surabaya (2015)
  • Tjokroaminoto (2015)
  • Kartini (2017)
  • Bumi Manusia (2019)

8. Introducing Indonesian Culture and Arts

As a nation rich in culture from Sabang to Merauke, the younger generation can play a role in introducing Indonesian culture and arts both to the neighbourhood and the world so that our culture will be increasingly recognised and not eroded by the times. In the surrounding environment, it can be done by including cultural heritage in the events in community activities such as tirakatan during the commemoration of 17 August, flag ceremonies, and using local languages in everyday life. At the international level, it can be done by participating in youth exchanges, creating transitional video content of traditional clothing of various tribes in Indonesia, covering regional songs, playing regional musical instruments, making tribal profile videos in Indonesia, and participating in international competitions. Culture is inherent to a nation because it can represent the identity of a nation.

9.    Visit Museums and Historic Places

Soekarno once said “Jas Merah”, which is interpreted as “Do Not Forget History”. This was explained by Soekarno in his speech in 1966 when highlighted the conflicts among the people within the country at that time. One way to learn about history is by visiting museums and historical places because there we can see the visualisation of the Indonesian people’s struggle for independence. You can use the help of a museum guide if you want to know more about the history of the Indonesian people’s struggle presented in that place.

This activity is useful for us to learn positive lessons and so that past mistakes are not repeated.


https://www.tokopedia.com/blog/seperti-inilah-cara-generasi-muda-mengisi-dan-memaknai- kemerdekaan/


https://www.kompas.com/skola/read/2021/10/19/134958269/arti-mencintai-produk-dalam-negeri- dan-dampaknya



https://portaljember.pikiran-rakyat.com/pendidikan/pr-163117233/10-upaya-untuk-mengisi- kemerdekaan-kunci-jawaban-tema-6-kelas-6-sd-mi-halaman-16-dan-17