Islamic Education Study Program of Alma Ata – Sunday, 16 January 2022, the Islamic Education Student Association of Alma Ata University Yogyakarta and HMJ Tarbiyah of Sultan Agung Islamic University Semarang held an Academic Study with the theme “Optimising the Islamic Education Curriculum to Welcome the Golden Generation”. The event was attended by more than 200 guests of students, learners, and teachers, and among them were several distinguished guests such as the Dean of FAI UNISSULA Drs. Muhammad Mukhtar Arifin S, M.Lib and the Dean of FITK Alma Ata University, Dr. Ahmad Salim, S.Pd., M.Pd., as the first speaker was Dr Muh Mustaqim, M.Pd.I (PAI lecturer at Alma Ata University) and the second speaker was Ahmad Taufik, S.Pd.I., M.Pd. (Unissula lecturer).
Dean of FAI UNISSULA Drs. Muhammad Mukhtar Arifin S, M.Lib in his speech stated that a student should master various fields in both academic and non-academic areas. Students must have various life skills and competencies, and all of which could be achieved through learning on and off campus. Therefore, academic studies must pay attention to the needs of students including familiarising reading activities (reading room), discussions and so on. With these skills and competencies, students would be more motivated to compete widely without feeling inferior as if they are under a heavy burden.
Furthermore, the Dean of FITK Alma Ata University, Dr Ahmad Salim, S.Pd., M.Pd. reminded the importance of welcoming Society 5.0 where students must be ready to face the industrial world which requires them to master technology and life skills. The era of Smart Society 5.0 requires students to have the main competence, i.e., high-level thinking skills. To produce these high-level thinking skills, students must have the ability to solve complex problems, think critically, and be creative.

Pengurus HIMA dan Calon Pengurus HIMA PAI Universitas Alma Ata bersama pemateri I Bapak Dr. Muh Mustaqim M.Pd.I.
The academic study held at the PCNU Bantul building was guided by moderators from both universities, Wheni Suangga Torifa of the PAI programme of Alma Ata University, and Dhika Ardeani of the PAI programme of Sultan Agung Islamic University Semarang. Dr. Muh Mustakim M.Pd.I delivered material related to the PAI curriculum that should collaborate with technological developments in the era 5.0 so as not to be obsolete by the times, and be based on a good moral basis to face broad competition. He also stated that the curriculum should enhance excellent students’ competencies and maintain their progress to realise the Golden Indonesian generation in 2045.
Furthermore, the second speaker Ahmad Taufik, S.Pd.I., M.Pd. delivered a speech related to the urgency of being a professional PAI teacher, who is not only in charge of teaching students educational materials but also able to make them skilled both cognitively and spiritually. A PAI teacher is required to master various competencies and curriculum development knowledge so that learning is always on track. If not, an Islamic Education teacher must at least bring a positive impact on the students. Finally, the Academic Study was closed with a prayer led by the PAI Student of Alma Ata University Yogyakarta, Ahmad Silahuddin Al Ayubi.