Participate in the Success of MBKM, 3 FAI UAA Lecturers become DPL of Campus Teaching MBKM KemdikbudRistek 2021

Participate in the Success of MBKM, 3 FAI UAA Lecturers become DPL of Campus Teaching MBKM KemdikbudRistek 2021

Participate in the Success of MBKM, 3 FAI UAA Lecturers become DPL of Campus Teaching MBKM KemdikbudRistek 2021


Islamic Education Study Programme of Alma Ata – Yogyakarta, 24 July 2021. Three FAI Lecturers Qualified as DPL (field supervisor) of the Campus Teaching programme as a part of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology’s (KemdikbudRistek) Freedom to Learn Independent Campus (MBKM) programme in 2021 Batch 2. This programme is a prestigious programme attended by 22.000 students from all over the country to serve themselves to schools at the elementary and junior high school levels (SD-SMP). The selected students have gone through various selections and were successfully selected from more than 36.000 students who applied.

Alma Ata University as one of the leading universities in Yogyakarta is committed to taking part in the success of MBKM launched by Minister Nadiem Makarim. One of them is to mobilise students and lecturers to be active in various MBKM activities both held by UAA and by other parties, especially Dikti-KemdikbudRistek. “Congratulations to the lecturers who qualified among other lecturers from across the country who signed up for this programme.” said Mustakim, Chairman of the UAA MBKM Movement Team.

Furthermore, the Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Religion at Alma Ata University (FAI_UAA), Martalia Ardyaningrum, expressed her gratitude that in addition to the 18 FAI students who were selected in the 2021 Campus Teaching Programme in the 2nd batch, three FAI lecturers were also selected as field supervisors (DPL). The three lecturers are Mr. Fiska Ilyasir from the PAI study programme, Mrs. Mufida Awalia Putri from the PGMI study programme, and Mr. Abdul Salam from the Sharia Economics study programme. Congratulations and well done, said Mrs. Dian (the nickname of the FAI UAA dean).

Campus activities for the 2nd batch of 2021 by KemdikbudRistek will take place from July to December 2021. This is about Participating in the Success of MBKM 3 FAI UAA Lecturers become DPL of Campus Teaching MBKM KemdikbudRistek 2021, hopefully inspiring for all.