Assalamu’alaikum wr wb
Salam Ta’dhim and greetings of friendship, we extend to Mr / Mrs Parents or guardians of prospective students of the S1 PGMI Study Program, Alma Ata University Yogyakarta. May we all always get the Grace and Ridho from Allah SWT.
S1 PGMI Study Program is a study program at Alma Ata University which is accredited UNGGUL and always prioritizes religious values, modern, superior and oriented to the development of sciences, especially the dynamic development of basic education. Students who study here are equipped with religious values and akhlakul karimah, the basics of education for SD / MI and science, observation of learning in MI, MI material review, and teaching practice. PGMI S1 Study Program also provides opportunities for students to develop soft skills and Interprofessional Education (IPE) through field practice activities and internships in elementary and MI. In addition, students are also given the opportunity to participate in the Government Program program, namely Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) in schools and partners of Alma Ata University.
PGMI Study Program, Alma Ata University will always develop and adapt to the times in creating Bachelor of Education graduates who have competencies as Classroom Teachers, Learning Mentors, Principals, Child Education Consultants, Educational Entrepreneurs, Teaching Media Developers, Child Education Researchers and Child Education Influencers. Let us together build Indonesia and improve the degree of welfare of Indonesian education through the PGMI Study Program, Alma Ata University.
Wassalamu’alaikum wr wb
Warm regards,
Dr. Kana Safrina Rouzi, M.Si
Head of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education Study Program