S1 Mathematics Education

Dr. Rino Richardo, S.Pd., M.Pd – Head of Mathematics Education Study Program

Assalamu’alaikum wr wb,

Salam Ta’dhim and greetings of friendship, we extend to the parents or guardians of prospective students of the S1 Mathematics Education Study Program, Alma Ata University Yogyakarta. May we all always get the Grace and Ridho from Allah SWT. Mathematics Education Study Program is one of the study programs at Alma Ata University which is accredited Very Good and always prioritizes religious values, is modern, superior and oriented to the development of sciences, especially the development of Mathematics Education. Students who study here will be equipped with religious values and akhlakul karimah, Mathematics Science, science of teaching school mathematics, school mathematics materials, ICT in learning mathematics. The undergraduate mathematics education study program also provides opportunities for students to develop soft skills and Interprofessional Education (IPE) through school internship activities, School Introduction Practice (PLP), Field Experience Practice (PPL) and KKN activities. In addition, students are also given the opportunity to participate in internship programs and the Government Program, namely Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) in several Government Agencies and other partners. Let’s join us, at the Alma Ata University Mathematics Education Study Program.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr wb

Vision & Mission

Vision and Mission is a planning concept accompanied by actions in accordance with what is planned to achieve a goal


Mathematics Education of UAA provides all the needs of students to make learning activities at UAA easier, more successful, and more supportive

Collaboration & Partners

Mathematics Education (PMAT) study programme has established partnerships with various institutions both at home and abroad to develop the Tri Dharma of education


Learning in the Mathematics Education Study Programme of UAA is supported by lecturers & instructors from academics and practitioners who are experts in their fields, reliable in sharing knowledge, and able to create active and fun learning

Education Stages

The education stages of the Mathematics Education study programme at Alma Ata University can be taken in 4 years (8 semesters)

Graduates Profile

Mathematics Education programme graduates are able to plan, manage, and organise organisational budgeting and finance

Student Life

Social Media

New Students Admission 2024/2025

New student admissions for the Bachelor of Mathematics Education study program at Alma Ata University for the 2024/2025 academic year has been opened

Let’s join Alma Ata University!

Register Now!

Mathematics Education Study Program Facilities

Alma Ata University Mathematics Education Study Program has a Lab, Green Land, Discussion Room, etc.

  1. Bidikmisi
  2. Ministry of Religious Affairs Achievement Scholarship
  3. Tahfidz Scholarship Ministry of Religious Affairs
  4. Dikpora DIY
  5. Utama (Unggul Tak Mampu)
  6. Special Scholarship

Counseling is a service activity for students that is carried out as an effort to help students solve problems, both academic and non-academic, and facilitate students to achieve learning goals through guidance and counseling.

Students can channel their interests and talents in various Alma Ata Student Activity Units (UKM), such as:

  1. Pencak Silat
  2. Drum Band
  3. Group Band
  4. Futsal
  5. English Club
  6. PIKM
  7. Scientific Club

Accident & Health Insurance Program provided for all Alma Ata students as a means of protection against the risk of illness, accidents and death, as well as health service programs by Alma Ata Medical Center.




Alumni User Testimonials

Lanal Mauludah Zuhrotus Salamah, S.Th.i, M.A.
Director of Avicena Tutoring Yogyakarta



Alumni Testimonial

Nabila Aqidatul Aisyah, S.Pd.
Alumni of Mathematics Education Study Program



Alumni User Testimonials

Yazid Shofwan, S.Pd., M.Sc.
Principal of Madrasah Aliyah Raden Fatah Yogyakarta

Alumni Testimonial

Astri Widi Astuti, S.Pd.
Alumni of Mathematics Education Study Program


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