S1 Islamic Education

About Study Programme

Specifically, the Islamic Education (PAI) study programme aims to produce scholars who are experts in the field of Islamic education and teaching, as well as mastering its materials and methodology. This study programme prepares professional scholars in the field of Islamic teaching to teach in schools/madrasah.


Learning in the Islamic Education (PAI) Study Programme of UAA is supported by lecturers & instructors from academics and practitioners who are experts in their fields, reliable in sharing knowledge, and able to create active and fun learning.

Graduates Profile

The graduate profile of the Islamic Education Study Programme of Alma Ata is a Professional Islamic Education Educator, Manager, Researcher, and Educational Consultant.

Vision and Mission

The Islamic Education study programme has a visionary vision and mission that are responsive to global changes in the context of Islamic education.


All requirements needed by students to facilitate, enable and support learning activities.

Student Affairs

All requirements needed by students to facilitate, enable and support learning activities.

Alumni Testimonials

Siti Makmunah, S.Ag
Alumni of the 2016 class of the Islamic Education Study Programme
of Alma Ata University who have become civil servants in Bekasi City.

Academic Portal

Services and Information through the Alma Ata Portal


Certificates of PAI and UAA

Digital Library

Online Library Facility

Digital Class

Online Teaching and Learning Access

Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru 2024/2025

Penerimaan mahasiswa baru program studi S1 Pendidikan Agama Islam dan Alih jenjang  tahun ajaran 2024/2025 telah dibuka

Let’s join Alma Ata University!

Register Now!
  1. Bidikmisi
  2. Ministry of Religious Affairs Achievement Scholarship
  3. Ministry of Religious Affairs Tahfidz Scholarship
  4. Dikpora DIY
  5. Utama (Unggul Tak Mampu)
  6. Special Scholarships

Konseling merupakan kegiatan pelayanan bagi mahasiswa yang dilaksanakan sebagai upaya untuk membantu mahasiswa dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan, baik akademik maupun non akademik, serta memfasilitasi mahasiswa mencapai tujuan pembelajaran yang dilakukan melalui bimbingan dan konseling.

Mahasiswa dapat menyalurkan minat dan bakat mereka di berbagai Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa (UKM) Alma Ata, seperti:

  1. Pencak silat
  2. Drum Band
  3. Group Band
  4. Futsal
  5. English Club
  6. PIKM
  7. Scientific Club

Program Asuransi Kecelakaan & Kesehatan  yang disediakan bagi seluruh mahasiswa Alma Ata sebagai sarana perlindungan terhadap risiko sakit, kecelakaan dan kematian, serta program layanan kesehatan oleh Alma Ata Medical Centre

Let’s join the Islamic Education Study Program of Alma Ata University to become Islamic education practitioners who are able to compete globally, and contribute to the development of the nation’s welfare and world civilisation based on Islamic and Indonesian national values.

Click to Apply!


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