In 2040, PGMI Alma Ata University becomes a study program that develops excellence in the field of Learning Design Innovation for SD / MI, in order to produce prospective educators who are independent, globally competitive, based on Indonesian Islamic and national values, contributing to the intelligence of the nation’s life.
- Organizing educational activities, research and community service (Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi) in the field of learning design innovation oriented to the needs of basic education in the PGMI study program that is of high quality, contributing to the development of the nation’s welfare and world civilization based on Islamic values and Indonesian nationality.
- Developing an academic system and atmosphere conducive to the realization of a quality culture in organizing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education through the development of good university governance gradually and continuously.
- To produce graduates of MI / SD teacher candidates who excel in the field of learning design innovation who are competent, professional, noble, and uphold Indonesian Islamic and national values.
- Producing graduates who are able to produce scientific work of national and international repute that contributes to the intelligence of the nation’s life.
- Building an academic atmosphere conducive to the implementation of Tridarma Perguruan Tinggi activities.
- Develop a study program governance system based on the principles of good university governance.