Remembering the Noble Heart of Sayyidina Hasan bin Ali, Beloved Grandson of the Prophet

Remembering the Noble Heart of Sayyidina Hasan bin Ali, Beloved Grandson of the Prophet

Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training – Sayyidina Hasan bin Ali, the first son of Ali bin Abi Talib and Fatimah Az Zahra, daughter of the Prophet Muhammad, is a figure whose life exemplifies profound kindness and compassion. According to Imam Jalaluddin Suyuthi in his book “Tarikh Khulafa,” Hasan is described as a person with an extraordinary personality. He was a great leader, patient, firm, generous, and truly possessed excellent character.

For those interested in deepening their understanding of this history and noble character, Universitas Alma Ata can be a valuable source of knowledge.

Hasan bin Ali disliked conflicts and avoided bloodshed. The Prophet himself mentioned in a hadith narrated by Tirmidhi and Hakim, sourced from Abi Sa’id al Khudri, that Hasan is among those destined for paradise:

وأخرج الترمذي والحاكم عن أبي سعيد الخدري، قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: “الحسن والحسن سيدا شباب أهل الجنة

Meaning: “Imam Tirmidhi and Hakim narrated from Abi Sa’id al Khudri, who said that Rasulullah SAW said, ‘Hasan and Husain are the leaders of the youth in paradise.’”

Umair bin Ishaq, a companion who often witnessed Hasan bin Ali’s kindness firsthand, shared that Hasan, the beloved grandson of Rasulullah, never spoke harshly. There was an instance when Governor Marwan frequently attacked Ali during Friday sermons. At one point, Marwan sent someone with an offensive message comparing Ali and Hasan to a donkey:

بعلي وبعلي وبعلي وبك وبك، وما وجدت مثلك إلا مثل البغلة، يقال لها: من أبوك؟ فتقول: أمي الفرس،

Meaning: “Ali and you! I consider you as nothing more than a mule, who, when asked who its father is, replies: my mother is a horse.” (Imam Jalaluddin Suyuthi, Tarikh Khulafa, [Mecca, Maktabah Nizar Mustafa Al Baz, 2004], p. 146)

Despite these insults, Hasan remained calm and never retaliated. Instead, he told Marwan’s messenger:

ارجع إليه فقل له: إني والله لا أمحو عنك شيئًا مما قلت بأن أسبك ولكن موعدي وموعدك الله فإن كنت صادقًا جزاك الله بصدقك وإن كنت كاذبًا فالله أشد نقمة

Meaning: “Go back to him and tell him that I will not retaliate or insult him for his words. However, remember that we will meet before Allah. If you are truthful, may Allah reward your honesty, but if you are lying, Allah’s punishment is indeed severe.”

After his father’s death, Hasan was chosen by the people of Kufa to be their governor, a position he held for about six months. However, Muawiyah later sought the position. Hasan agreed to relinquish it under the condition that the position would be returned to him, and Muawiyah would not hold the people of Medina, Hijaz, and Iraq accountable for what happened during his father’s rule. They reached an agreement, and Hasan stepped down in Rabiul Awal, 41 AH. Despite being criticized and called names for choosing peace and relinquishing his position, Hasan remained kind and composed.

One of his friends, Jubair bin Nafir, curious about Hasan’s decision to make peace with Muawiyah, directly asked him. Hasan replied, “I do not want to lead Muslims into bloodshed over a power struggle. Even if all Arabs supported me, I would not pursue it. I only seek Allah’s pleasure and to avoid bloodshed among us, the followers of Rasulullah.”

In another account, Hasan was poisoned by his wife, Ja’dah binti Asy’ath bin Qais, who was influenced by Yazid bin Muawiyah’s promise to marry her if she succeeded. While gravely ill, his brother Husain bin Ali wanted to know who had poisoned Hasan, but Hasan chose to remain silent. He said:

الله أشد نقمة إن كان الذي أظن وإلا فلا يقتل بي والله بريء

Meaning: “Allah’s retribution is more severe if my suspicion is correct. If not, do not let anyone be killed because of me. I leave it to Allah.”

This is just a glimpse into the noble heart of Sayyidina Hasan bin Ali, beloved grandson of Rasulullah Muhammad SAW. The Prophet’s family is renowned in Islamic history for their generosity, compassion, and noble character, providing inspiration for all of us.

Let us take valuable lessons and inspiration from the stories of goodness and noble character of the Prophet Muhammad’s family. May we be inspired to always do good and emulate their exemplary behavior. For those who wish to delve deeper, Universitas Alma Ata can be a beneficial source of knowledge to further understand this history and noble character.




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