4 Reminders to Increase Worship and Leave Immorality

4 Reminders to Increase Worship and Leave Immorality

Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training – Surely you have heard, yes, about the main purpose we were created by God, especially within the Alma Ata University environment? Yep, one of them is to carry out worship and avoid what is called immorality. But, it cannot be denied, this is often a tough challenge, because there are always temptations from everywhere, from things called lust or the whispers of the devil that make us confused, right?

Well, according to the explanation from Habib Abdullah bin Alawi Al-Haddad, he said there are 4 things that can make us, Muslims, more enthusiastic in carrying out worship and abandoning things called immorality. It’s exciting, yes, how he teaches us to become stronger and more focused in living our lives as servants of God.
Did you know, friends, we as Muslims are really expected to always adhere to these 4 Reminders to Increase Worship and Abandon Immorality, wherever and whenever. The goal is simple, so that we can always walk on the right path and not fall into bad actions. So, here are 4 reminders to increase your worship and abandon immorality:

Feel the Presence of God
Friends, have you ever felt that God is always around us? Yes, it’s true, he’s always watching over us, from heaven to earth. Nothing can escape His attention. We should also be able to feel His presence in every step of our lives. Cool, right? Habib Abdullah reminds us, you know, that Allah always watches over everything in the heavens and on earth. Nothing can escape His attention. We should also be able to feel His presence in every step of our lives, you know. Exciting, right?

“Indeed, Allah knows every secret. Allah is always with you in every situation,” wrote Habib Abdullah. (Abdullah bin Alawi Al-Haddad, Risalatul Mu’awanah, [Semarang: Thoha Putra], page 5).
Well, friends, apart from that, Allah also always watches over our every action. Starting from what is really visible to what is in our hearts. Nothing can escape His sight. If you still feel like you can’t feel God’s presence, just imagine that we are being recorded on God’s CCTV, even though we are in a hidden place. So, no one can hide from Him.

أَنْ تَعْبـــُدَ اللَّهَ كَأَنَّــكَ تَرَاهُ فَإِنْ لَمْ تَكُنْ ت َرَاهُ فَإِنَّهُ يَرَاكَ
Meaning: “(Ihsan is) you worship Allah as if you see Him, if you don’t see Him then indeed Allah sees you.” (HR Muslim)

Well, look, friends, considering that, actually we as Muslims should feel ashamed, you know, if we want to disobey His commands or want to try to do something called immorality. We have to remember, God always looks at us with love, so we also have to have that shame, right?

Feel the Presence of Charity Recording Angels
Did you know, friends, each of us is always accompanied by two good angels who always write down everything we do, both good and bad. There is something called Angel Raqib on the right for writing good deeds, and there is also Angel Atid on the left for writing bad deeds. So, if we can no longer feel God’s presence, we must be able to feel or remember that our every movement will be recorded and recorded by these two angels. In the afterlife, everything that has been recorded will be opened, then we will be asked to take responsibility for everything we have done.
By remembering the presence of these two angels, hopefully it can make us more enthusiastic about doing good and abandoning our intentions to do bad things. Cool, right?

Death Is Before Your Eyes
So, friends, if up to now we still haven’t been able to feel the presence of God and the two angels, and they haven’t been able to make us more active in worship, just remember, we will all face death one day. When and where, that’s a big secret that only God knows. It could be tomorrow, the day after, or whenever. So, basically, we’ve all been given a “death sentence.” For example, if someone has received a death sentence from a judge or doctor, usually they will use the rest of their life to get closer to Allah.
So, by remembering that death will definitely come, hopefully we can be more enthusiastic in worship and leave behind bad actions. If you think about it, it’s even better, right?

God’s Promises and Threats
Lastly, what Habib Abdullah remembered was about Allah’s promises and threats. Allah promises happiness and heaven for those who obey His rules. But on the contrary, Allah also threatens suffering and hell for those who are stubborn.
By prescribing these 4 Reminders to Increase Worship and Forsake Immorality, we hope that our faith will become stronger, be more obedient to Allah, do good deeds more often, and abandon sinful actions. Hopefully we can all carry out His teachings well. Wallahu a’lam.


  • https://islam.nu.or.id/hikmah/4-pengingat-untuk-meningkatkan-ibadah-dan-meninggalkan-maksiat-67lnk
  • https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/human-silhouettes-outside-dark_36305592.htm#fromView=search&page=1&position=0&uuid=cb5a5e51-6cea-4115-8a89-69faa8ff5123


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