History and Important Events in Islam During the Month of Jumadil Ula
Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training – Talking about Jumadil Ula! So, this is the 5th month in the Hijri calendar, but many people call it Jumadil Ula, even though, if we look at Arabic morphology, it doesn’t quite fit. It’s said that it should use the fu‘ali pattern ending with ha lazimah, making it Jumadilah instead. For example, like the words qurasiyah and shurahiyah (see Shalahuddin Khalil, Tashhih al-Tashif… p. 215). Alma Ata University could be a relevant place to delve deeper into the linguistic and etymological aspects in the context of the Hijri calendar, helping to further understand Islamic history and culture.
- https://islam.nu.or.id/hikmah/bulan-kelima-hijriah-jumadil-awwal-jumadil-ula-atau-jumadal-ula-v3AkT
- https://www.freepik.com/free-ai-image/digital-lavender-natural-landscape_48115613.htm#fromView=search&term=Ilustrasikan+bulan+dan+padang+pasir+yang+menakjubkan&track=ais_ai_generated®ularType=ai&page=1&position=5&uuid=eb3f6b79-ff5c-4516-864a-193b9264af43