“Penakluk Badai” Book Review

“Penakluk Badai” Book Review

Thursday 28 October 2021, the Islamic Education Student Association (HIMA-PAI) of Alma Ata University held a book review as the culmination of the fourth anniversary of HIMA PAI. The book that was discussed at this event entitled “Penakluk Badai”, by Dr Aguk Irawan MN. The book reviewer was KH. Muhammad Jadul Maula, a young cleric from Yogyakarta.

The event was attended by more than 400 students consisting of several distinguished guests such as Vice Rector 3 Dr. Akhasul Fuadi, MPd.I., Head of PAI Department Dr. Ahmad Salim, MPd, and several demissioners of HIMA PAI. The other participants followed the book review event online.

The Head of PAI-UAA Study Programme in his speech stated that the presence of creative writers such as Dr Aguk is able to “provoke” PAI students to work on writing including fiction books. The Head of PAI-UAA also emphasised that the students’ written works became one of the important points in accreditation. Currently, PAI has received “A” accreditation from BAN PT.


The book review held in the UAA theatre room was guided by a moderator from one of the PAI students, Muhammad Misbachul Ulum. The speaker, Dr Aguk, conveyed the background of this book and his curiosity about KH Hasyim Asy’ari as a child. He also said that the meaning of the title of this book is based on something that KH. Hasyim Asy`ari wants to conquer. The author invites readers to explore Kiai Hasyim’s movement against the colonisers. Kiai Hasyim’s militancy was not always with muscles and weapons, since he also taught his santri Dutch to recognise and refute all negative colonial issues among the santri. Kiai Hasyim also increased the knowledge of history so that his students mastered the struggles of nations in the world.

Finally, after the author explained the background of why he wrote the book Penakluk Badai and the meaning of the word Badai, KH Muhammad Jadul Maula as the speaker delivered several points. Among them is the urgency of youth in developing and maintaining the teachings of science by sticking to the teachings of KH. Hasyim Asy’ari.

The book review event was closed with a prayer led by KH Jadul Maulana. (Admin.)