9 UAA PAI Study Programme Students Selected as Participants in Campus Teaching (MBKM Dikti KemdikbudRistek) Batch 2 of 2021

9 UAA PAI Study Programme Students Selected as Participants in Campus Teaching (MBKM Dikti KemdikbudRistek) Batch 2 of 2021

Islamic Education Study Programme of Alma Ata  Bantul, 26 July 2021 ,- A total of 9 students from the Islamic Education Study Program from Alma Ata University (UAA) qualified the selection for the Campus Teaching Programme Batch II in 2021. Campus Teaching is one of the independent campus programmes which aims to provide various opportunities for students to simultaneously develop themselves through learning assistance for elementary and secondary school in Indonesia. This activity is outside the study programme which is part of the MBKM (freedom to learn independent campus) by the Directorate General of Higher Education (Ditjen Dikti) and the Directorate of Primary Schools of the Ministry of Education Culture Research and Technology (KemdikbudRistek) in collaboration with the Education Fund Management Institution (LPDP).

In the campus teaching programme, students will be placed in 3.464 elementary schools and 358 junior high schools in 34 provinces in Indonesia to help improve literacy and numeracy in these schools. Nadiem Anwar Makarim (Minister of Education and Culture), “Invites students to act, collaborate, and build their creativity for 12 weeks while improving the quality of learning in elementary schools, especially those in the foremost, outermost, and disadvantaged areas as well as honing their leadership, emotional, and social skills”. (Quoted from kemdikbud website).

Campus teaching batch II 2021 attracted 36.576 students across campuses in Indonesia, but only 22.000 students will be qualified in the campus teaching batch II. Among the students selected from this process, there are 9 students from Alma Ata University’s Islamic Education. They are Ahmad Baha’ur Rifqi, Siska Aprilia, Sufihatul Mahfudoh, Mochammad Fauzan Khoeri, Zulfa Farikhatun Nisak, Vyka Habibatul Khusna, Maila Karimatul Masfufah, Ahmad Hardianto and Rusmiyati Usman who will be distributed across various schools in Indonesia. One of the qualified participants said:  “Alhamdulillah, I was very happy when I qualified for the campus teaching programme, and at the same time I am happy to be able to contribute to the East Flores area where I happen to come from, and my motivation for joining the Campus Teaching Programme is because I want to gain experience and develop my skills in this field,” said Rusmiyati.

Another student Ahmad Baha’ur Rifqi also said: “Alhamdulillah, I am very happy and proud to be able to become a campus delegate and contribute fully to the country and society, and my motivation for participating in the Campus Teaching Programme is khoirunnas anfa’uhum linnas (The best of humans are the most useful for other humans)” said Baha’.

Congratulations to the 9 UAA PAI Study Program qualified students in the Campus Teaching (MBKM Dikti KemdikbudRistek) Batch 2 of 2021. Best hope from us.