Helping Person in Distress

Helping Person in Distress

Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training – When a person sees someone else afflicted by a calamity, whether in terms of their religion such as engaging in innovations or otherwise, or in terms of worldly matters such as sickness or other afflictions, they should say:

الحَمْدُ للهِ الَّذِي عَافَانِي مِمَّا ابْتَلَاكَ بِهِ، وَفَضَّلَنِي عَلَى كَثِيرٍ مِمَّنْ خَلَقَ تَفْضِيلًا

(Alhamdulillahilladzi ‘aafani mimma ibtalaaka bihi wa faddalani ‘ala katheerin mimman khalaqa tafdila)

“Praise be to Allah who has spared me from what He has afflicted you with and favored me greatly over many of those He has created.”

Whoever recites this prayer will be protected from the calamity they witness.

Benefit: This prayer should be recited quietly so that only the person himself can hear it and not the one afflicted by the calamity, in order not to hurt the feelings of the afflicted person. However, if the calamity involves disobedience, it is permissible to recite the prayer aloud as a reminder to them, provided it does not cause harm.

Wisdoms Derived from the Hadith:

  • It is recommended (sunnah) to recite this specific prayer when witnessing someone afflicted by a calamity.
  • Whoever witnesses a calamity and recites this prayer will not be afflicted by the same calamity.
  • The great virtue of this prayer is emphasized in the hadith.
  • The Prophet Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) concern for the safety and well-being of his ummah from various afflictions.
  • The profound love of the Companions for the Prophet, demonstrated by their thorough transmission of his sayings and actions.

