Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training – In Islam, self-reflection or muhasabah is an important practice that every Muslim should perform. As expressed by Al-Hasan al-Bashri, a servant will always remain in goodness as long as he continually advises himself and is eager to engage in self-reflection.
Al-Hasan al-Bashri, may Allah have mercy on him, said:
_”A servant will always remain in goodness as long as he continually advises himself and is eager to engage in self-reflection.”_
📚 Al-Bidayah wan Nihayah, 9/272
Self-reflection in Islam involves reflecting on one’s actions, words, and thoughts. By practicing self-reflection, a Muslim can evaluate whether their actions have aligned with the teachings of Islam or not.
In this regard, self-reflection should not only be done when one commits a mistake or sin, but it should be performed regularly as a form of self-evaluation and improvement. Self-reflection is also a form of worship that is encouraged in Islam.
The benefits of self reflection go beyond just personal growth. It fosters a deeper sense of accountability to Allah, ensuring that we strive to adhere to Islamic principles in our daily lives. Regular self-reflection allows us to acknowledge our weaknesses, work on correcting them, and seek forgiveness from Allah for any shortcomings. It also provides clarity on our intentions and actions, helping us realign with our purpose as Muslims, which is to serve and please Allah.
As Muslims, we should always be eager to practice self reflection. This is not only useful for enhancing our quality as Muslims, but also for improving our relationship with Allah Ta’ala. By constantly assessing our behavior, we can purify our hearts and seek to embody the best of Islamic character.
- https://artvisi.or.id/islam/2023/03/31/intropeksi-diri-seorang-muslim/
- https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/woman-looking-mirror-flat-vector-illustration-cartoon-beautiful-female-characters-smiling-her-reflection-love-self-ego-narcissism-concept_10613844.htm#fromView=search&page=1&position=2&uuid=0004a15d-8fde-4f40-b168-579652a713d4