Do Not Underestimate Small Sins

Do Not Underestimate Small Sins

Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training – In life, we often underestimate small sins because they are not considered dangerous. However, the advice of the Muslim scholar, Bilal bin Sa’ad, Rahimahullah, reminds us that the problem is not the size of the sin, but rather whom we are disobeying.

Bilal bin Sa’ad said:

“Do not look at the smallness of the sin, but look at whom you are disobeying.” [Ad-Daa’ wad Dawaa’, p. 82]⁣⁣

Underestimating small sins is very dangerous because if done continuously, they can accumulate into major sins, which negatively affect our hearts. In Islam, whether the sin is major or minor, it still harms and corrupts our hearts.

It is important to remember that the accumulation of minor sins, if ignored, can lead to a hardened heart, distancing us from Allah’s guidance. Sins, no matter how small, tarnish our souls and weaken our connection with Allah. Regular repentance and seeking forgiveness are key to keeping our hearts alive and spiritually healthy. Small sin may seem insignificant, but they act like drops of poison, gradually affecting our spiritual well-being if not addressed.

Heart diseases such as envy, jealousy, malice, arrogance, pride, and other negative traits can also arise from underestimating small sins. Therefore, it is essential to treat these diseases of the heart based on the Quran and Sunnah.

As Muslims, we must always be cautious of small sins that are often underestimated and constantly strive to purify our hearts by following the true teachings of Islam. By doing so, we can live with a pure and peaceful heart, and earn the mercy and blessings of Allah Ta’ala.




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